Thursday, November 26, 2009

Good News & Not so Good News

Monday’s big hopes of being able to possible go home were quickly shot down after another round of tests. At this point I am here until B2 decides to mom brought me a calendar and according to the calendar and what our doctors are saying no longer then Feb 2nd. Only10 weeks, much better than the thought of my due date. Although not the news I wanted, we have started to adjust to accepting it as what it is, as in normal Amber style I have started to make lists of what needs to be done and what I can be doing and so forth ;-)

BUT the best news, I get to see my sweet little girl now. Due to the H1N1 and being in the high risk area, the rules said no children. First with my sweet hubby's fast & sweet talking ways, he got me wheel chair privileges to leave my room for 30 min a day to see her. But then some rules changed and if she had her H1N1shot, she could come to my room. I was quickly on the phone finding a shot, Sandpoint Pediatrics had the shot, but would not hold one for us to get her back up there (seriously, not too happy). BUT for some miracle of a way, my mom just happens to mention to my Aunt Jenni about the shot, and the doc office across the hall happen to have the shot on Tuesday...she ran over and asked if they had one for Saige and they said they did now, bring her in. So now she can come and see me as much as possible. She has no clue what is going on but none the less was her usual spunky little self...seeing her be SAIGE made things so much better.

I know I always say sisters are the BESST, because well they are: After Andy and Marci took Saige for her H1N1 on Tuesday, they made a little detour to the got it, Tara flew in to be with us for a few days. The wonderful hospital were Tara is a resident said she could take a few days off but with the holiday week, getting a ticket was whole other issue but her good friend Ben Ward gave her miles so she could get here, is that not one of the nicest things. I am beyond thankful, having her to explain things even more to me and her support and opinion has helped enormously. Being an ob resident doctor she knows the medicine but she also knows me, which makes such a difference. I am also such a proud sister and tell all our doctors that my sister is an ob doctor too LOL!!
In a nutshell, we are adjusting to life in a bed.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Ultra Sound

So far today has been a really positive. After our ultra sound was re-scheduled 3 times we were finally able to see our little guy. The ultra sound gave us lots of positive hope, B2 was bigger than we thought 1lb 9oz and the my fluid levels were around 10.8, a bit lower then Saturday but I guess that is normal in any pregnancy for it to vary that much. They have decided to do another exam and re-test everything; there is some hope that I might be in the small 2% that will re-seal itself. If so, it will truly be a miracle... there is even some hope that I may be able to go home, well more than likely not home home (Sandpoint) but to my parents for a while. We are now just waiting to find out when the next test will be, our fingers crossed that they are able to do it in the next day or so.
I have to say I have always wanted to get a 3D ultra sound, as most of the Sandpoint ladies know we don't get those. Never would have dreamed I would be getting one under these circumstances but none the less it was very cool, but of course the little guy would not turn his face so we could see him. But the most important thing was normal development, 10 toes and 10 fingers. The ultra sound tech gave Andy a bit of a shock for a second; she said he has 4 in four fingers and a thumb. We now have new photos of his feet hanging on the hospital wall next to his sister’s picture.
We are still in the waiting game, but things are looking more positive then we could have even imagined. The waiting is hard, but waiting and not being able to see my sweet little girl is pretty much makes the waiting even harder. We are trying to find a way to "sneak" her in some how...luckily my mother in law works here so we may be able to bring her to her office for a quick visit. I have been able to see her sweet face through Skype, she fed me breakfast through the computer and gives me lots of kisses, it is by far the cutest thing. She is just so sweet...but hard for her to understand when we have to say goodbye. She is pretty lucky and has lots of relatives in Spokane who love her dearly, today she spent the day with her Gramps (Andy's dad) and tomorrow she will get a day with her Aunt Mar Mar, who flew in yesterday to be with me (aren’t sisters the BEST???).
We feel very blessed to have so many people who are thinking of us, it means so much.
Hopefully more good news soon...lots of love Andy and Amber

Saturday, November 21, 2009


After what has been another easy pregnancy, blessed with the surprising news that we were would be the proud mommy, daddy & big sister to a sweet little boy, things have quickly changed. Saturday morning I woke with some dampness, being on the cautious side we called our amazing friends Nick and Jill to come stay with Saige while we went in to get checked. Being only 23 weeks, we knew that if this was amniotic fluid that would not be good. Things weren't great but still seemed pretty optimistic, Dr Santarpio (the most amazing doctor) thought it would be best to get mommy and B2 to Spokane. MedStar was sent to pick us up, how could this be happening? MEDSTAR????? We are now in the waiting game, the staff at Sacred Heart is so far amazing, and we will wait and hope for the very best for the next 48 hours. We just need our sweet little ACTIVE boy in mommy for as long as possible, and this is the place to make it happen.

This is the most I can write at the moment, more to come... lots of love!!

So the rest of our Saturday turned into information overload, the best news I got my IV and pee pee bag out, YAHOOO!! But on the serious side, we had to make lots of life changing decisions for both our little sweet boy and mommy. We are both at peace with what we have decided and are just praying I don't go into labor so that our little guy has a chance. After talking with the Newborn Specialist, Neo-Natal Specialist and our OB for today Dr Jacobs... we know at this time the best case scenario for me and B2 is sit and wait, day by day, but in terms of our little one we need to make it at least another week for him to have a chance of survival. BUT the good news, i had another ultra sound (yup, still a boy ;-)) and my amniotic fluid is increasing, when I left Sandpoint it was at a 6, first arrived in Spokane 7.3 and by last night it was 11.2 although i have still been leaking a little it just shows how strong (how could he not be, being half Hulbert & half Roberts) our sweet little boy. This gave me so much encouragement that I actually slept a few hours!! The newborn specialist was happy and very optimistic with the 6 & 7 levels, can't wait to see what he says about the 11.

At this point I am not going any where soon, as long as my fluid stays at a level where B2 can continue to grow without any issues I will be sitting in this bed for as long as he lets it be possible. yea i know, who can actually imagine me on bed rest. BUT I will get used to it and make the most of it and pray work can figure something out for me to do from darn hospital bed, my booty is already sore. I have asked Andy and my mom to bring me hand weights so I can do arm workouts and my sewing machine, might was well be some what productive.

Well i gotta go and get ready for a hot date with my hubby...SEAHAWKS in a hospital bed!!