So far today has been a really positive. After our ultra sound was re-scheduled 3 times we were finally able to see our little guy. The ultra sound gave us lots of positive hope, B2 was bigger than we thought 1lb 9oz and the my fluid levels were around 10.8, a bit lower then Saturday but I guess that is normal in any pregnancy for it to vary that much. They have decided to do another exam and re-test everything; there is some hope that I might be in the small 2% that will re-seal itself. If so, it will truly be a miracle... there is even some hope that I may be able to go home, well more than likely not home home (Sandpoint) but to my parents for a while. We are now just waiting to find out when the next test will be, our fingers crossed that they are able to do it in the next day or so.
I have to say I have always wanted to get a 3D ultra sound, as most of the Sandpoint ladies know we don't get those. Never would have dreamed I would be getting one under these circumstances but none the less it was very cool, but of course the little guy would not turn his face so we could see him. But the most important thing was normal development, 10 toes and 10 fingers. The ultra sound tech gave Andy a bit of a shock for a second; she said he has 4 in four fingers and a thumb. We now have new photos of his feet hanging on the hospital wall next to his sister’s picture.
We are still in the waiting game, but things are looking more positive then we could have even imagined. The waiting is hard, but waiting and not being able to see my sweet little girl is pretty much makes the waiting even harder. We are trying to find a way to "sneak" her in some how...luckily my mother in law works here so we may be able to bring her to her office for a quick visit. I have been able to see her sweet face through Skype, she fed me breakfast through the computer and gives me lots of kisses, it is by far the cutest thing. She is just so sweet...but hard for her to understand when we have to say goodbye. She is pretty lucky and has lots of relatives in Spokane who love her dearly, today she spent the day with her Gramps (Andy's dad) and tomorrow she will get a day with her Aunt Mar Mar, who flew in yesterday to be with me (aren’t sisters the BEST???).
We feel very blessed to have so many people who are thinking of us, it means so much.
Hopefully more good news soon...lots of love Andy and Amber
10 years ago
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