WOW, this was written some time ago...always forgetting to hit post!! Enjoy, more to come! xoxox Amber
So since bringing Asher home, I have transformed my blogging therapy into starring into the beautiful blue eyes of our sweet boy & watching his sister stare at him and talk ever so softly. We have been home for almost 3 months, and it seems like forever ago that we lived at Sacred Heart. I guess I should change that “we” to “I” as Andy thinks it was the longest time of life, I now think it was just such a small part of something so much bigger. I guess we all deal with things different.
For the last 3 months we have really just been adjusting to having 2 children and learning what Asher loves, likes and dislikes. It is really quite amazing how bringing him home was like bringing home a newborn infant although he was 3 ½ months old. The first few nights took some adjustment to late night and all night feedings. I have to give high fives to mommy’s who bottle feed their babies, oh man oh man I can’t believe how much work that is. Since Asher is such a little guy, we had to continue to add extra calories to my milk to help him grown so every feeding we were making bottles and warming them and all the needed extra’s for him. So much more work then nursing a baby in the night, WOW!! BUT just as I had adjusted to the late nights and lack of sleep, Asher decided he wanted to sleep through the night. I know right??? So after being home for about 6 weeks he has slept through the night. If we go off his due date he was sleeping through the night before Saige who started at about 7-8 weeks. Honestly I am not sure how or why, but it is an amazing thing. Well I guess I should say it was amazing after the first few nights of being scared that something was wrong.
Since leaving the hospital Asher has gained about ¾ of an oz a day and is about 10lbs now. He is so chubby, he has the most amazing little fat rolls all over and those cheeks, oh man you just can’t get enough of them. We started going into the doctors office every week for weight checks but with him doing so well gaining now we are only going every 3 weeks. With Asher we have being seeing Dr D at the pediatric office, he is really quite amazing. Before our first visit he had reviewed all of Asher’s medical records, I mean ALL of them. You can imagine how thick that file was but I was just so thrilled that I didn’t have to give him a play by play of everything. He has been such a huge part of making us feel like we are getting over this with so many kind and encouraging words. I guess when I look back at all the medical professionals that have been apart of Asher’s recovery there could NEVER NEVER be enough thanks that we could ever give them.
~Big Sister Saige~
For those of you who don’t know this little missy, let me tell you she is something else. She is feisty and sweet, loving and crazy. She is sooo beyond words in love with her brother, I do have to say I was a bit nervous about how she would react to no longer being the princess of the castle, but she has been loving every minute of it. She wants to help with everything with him and being fairly laid back we have been letting her help with most everything. Saige has also turned into quite the funny girl, it may be in part that she is really starting to talk to you about everything. But she just says the cutest things. That is how the 2 babies started. In normal conversation I refer to Asher as the “baby” but then I tell her she is my first baby so one day she tells me that I have 2 babies. Why yes I do have 2 babies Saige. While being home with her we decided it was the perfect time to potty train her, after a week or so she got it, pretty impressive what some jelly beans and stickers do for a little girl. We are still learning but for most days we are accident free.
Then and Home:

Saige's First in person glance:

True love of a sibling...what a sweet girl loving her brother so much. She has no idea that this was not the way she was supposed to meet her baby brother, either way it was such a wonderful moment.
For the last 3 months we have really just been adjusting to having 2 children and learning what Asher loves, likes and dislikes. It is really quite amazing how bringing him home was like bringing home a newborn infant although he was 3 ½ months old. The first few nights took some adjustment to late night and all night feedings. I have to give high fives to mommy’s who bottle feed their babies, oh man oh man I can’t believe how much work that is. Since Asher is such a little guy, we had to continue to add extra calories to my milk to help him grown so every feeding we were making bottles and warming them and all the needed extra’s for him. So much more work then nursing a baby in the night, WOW!! BUT just as I had adjusted to the late nights and lack of sleep, Asher decided he wanted to sleep through the night. I know right??? So after being home for about 6 weeks he has slept through the night. If we go off his due date he was sleeping through the night before Saige who started at about 7-8 weeks. Honestly I am not sure how or why, but it is an amazing thing. Well I guess I should say it was amazing after the first few nights of being scared that something was wrong.
Since leaving the hospital Asher has gained about ¾ of an oz a day and is about 10lbs now. He is so chubby, he has the most amazing little fat rolls all over and those cheeks, oh man you just can’t get enough of them. We started going into the doctors office every week for weight checks but with him doing so well gaining now we are only going every 3 weeks. With Asher we have being seeing Dr D at the pediatric office, he is really quite amazing. Before our first visit he had reviewed all of Asher’s medical records, I mean ALL of them. You can imagine how thick that file was but I was just so thrilled that I didn’t have to give him a play by play of everything. He has been such a huge part of making us feel like we are getting over this with so many kind and encouraging words. I guess when I look back at all the medical professionals that have been apart of Asher’s recovery there could NEVER NEVER be enough thanks that we could ever give them.
~Big Sister Saige~
For those of you who don’t know this little missy, let me tell you she is something else. She is feisty and sweet, loving and crazy. She is sooo beyond words in love with her brother, I do have to say I was a bit nervous about how she would react to no longer being the princess of the castle, but she has been loving every minute of it. She wants to help with everything with him and being fairly laid back we have been letting her help with most everything. Saige has also turned into quite the funny girl, it may be in part that she is really starting to talk to you about everything. But she just says the cutest things. That is how the 2 babies started. In normal conversation I refer to Asher as the “baby” but then I tell her she is my first baby so one day she tells me that I have 2 babies. Why yes I do have 2 babies Saige. While being home with her we decided it was the perfect time to potty train her, after a week or so she got it, pretty impressive what some jelly beans and stickers do for a little girl. We are still learning but for most days we are accident free.
Then and Home:

Saige's First in person glance:

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