Well the last few days have been filled with many ups and downs…lots of emotion but as we hoped things are again better. On Monday I had my weekly ultra sound, yea I know record amounts of ultra sounds compared to the normal one we usually get with pregnancy. But this time the news was not anywhere to as good as it was before. My fluid levels were down to 3.8 and B2 did not have any pockets of fluid around him greater than 2. I was immediately hooked back up to everything, IV Fluids, Monitors and so forth…I did luckily escape the dreaded pee pee bag (not my friend). I was not allowed to get up, I had to lie down and pretty much not move. I also made a new friend…the bed pan. Yup, I am not kidding around I had to use the bed pan, luckily I mastered it!! It proved itself very interesting but I decided to make it my master mission since I had nothing else to do and with all the liquids being pumped into me I had the opportunity! They were very nervous that B2 would get stressed due to the lack of fluid; we were once again faced with what if they need to immediately deliver and so forth. I had many questions and was pretty much an emotional mess about what would happen next. Luckily I had my wonderful mom, mother in law and a visit from a friend at just the right time to talk through the emotional time. After all the fluids and laying down, I went back for another ultra sound on Tuesday morning, after having the” bad news” ultra sound I went to alone on Monday, this time my dad and mother in law came with me for support. But the news was good, fluid has almost doubled and B2 was still as active as can be. I was now allowed to use the bathroom and take a shower…but am still not too move too much. I think the most encouraging thing is that B2 has always been great; he never varied at all he just kept on as if he had lots of fluid. Doctors were very impressed by his variable heart rate with his brain and keep saying they can’t believe he is only 25 weeks. Since he is still so strong despite all the stress on him, just shows me even that I too can be strong. What a little fighter…
Being a person who has never had any medical issues and now I live in a hospital it has been such a learning experience. I have had some of the most wonderful nurses and then some where you are just like hmmmmmm…so far the best yet has been the nurse I had a few nights ago. When she first got on shift she complained to me about how far I was from the nurses’ station and that all patients that needed this much care needed to be across from the nurses’ station, I said she was lucky she was allowed to walk some of us are stuck laying here. She carried on complaining and since this would be a bed pan night, I told her I would do my best to hold it so she wouldn’t have to come and help me. Such a good night….LOL!! Needless to say I of course had to tell my mother in law about it, who actually knows a lot of the nurses here (she works just the floor below me), so when Nancy came to see me later the next day she counted the steps from the nurses’ station... not only can I see the station from my door but it is like 20 steps from the station. The things that amuse me these days…
Thanks for all the positive thoughts we appreciate it sooooo very much!
Love, Amber
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